The preferred deployment method is via Docker containers and Docker Compose. Manual deployment of a JAR file is also possible, though it is not officially supported.
All our Docker containers run as non-root users, and the Dockerfiles are available publicly for validation. Customization is handled through environment variables, more details are in the Configuration section.
For all deployments, an OIDC authentication server is required, such as Keycloak. Many life science research infrastructures can alternatively use LifeScience Login as their OIDC provider. For eligibility and support, please contact LifeScience Login.
For more details on how the Negotiator manages OIDC connections, refer to Authentication and Authorization.
Docker Compose
For example, deployment using Docker Compose, see the provided Compose file. This example includes Traefik as a reverse proxy.
Please note, however, that this Compose file is intended only for development and testing, as it uses an OIDC server configured for non-production environments. For production setups, refer to the documentation for recommended configurations.
For enabling HTTPS you need to setup a reverse proxy like Traefik or Nginx.
image: traefik:v3.2.0
container_name: traefik
network_mode: host # Use host network
- "--providers.docker=true"
- "--entrypoints.websecure.address=:443" # HTTPS entrypoint only
- "--entrypoints.websecure.http.tls=true" # Enable TLS for HTTPS
- "--entrypoints.websecure.http.tls.certificates.certFile=/certs/cert.pem"
- "--entrypoints.websecure.http.tls.certificates.keyFile=/certs/key.pem"
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- ./certs:/certs # Folder with provided SSL certificates
and adding following lables to any containers theat should be exposed:
- "traefik.http.routers.negotiator-api.entrypoints=websecure" # Only HTTPS
- "traefik.http.routers.negotiator-api.tls=true"
Both the frontend and backend are customizable via environment variables, which can be specified in the Compose file. Since the backend is a Spring application, all properties can also be passed as environment variables. For example, a property can be defined as follows:
root: info
Can be passed to a docker container as:
container_name: negotiator
image: bbmrieric/negotiator:latest
To customize a Docker deployment, you can provide variables in the format mentioned above. For a comprehensive list of properties you may want to modify, refer to the application file.
Custom properties
Environment Variable | Description | Default Value |
NEGOTIATOR_MOLGENISURL | URL for the Molgenis service. | "" |
NEGOTIATOR_FRONTENDURL | URL for the Negotiator frontend. | "" |
NEGOTIATOR_EMAIL_YOURSSINCERELYTEXT | Closing text for emails sent from the Negotiator. | "The BBMRI-ERIC Team" |
NEGOTIATOR_EMAIL_HELPDESKHREF | Helpdesk email link. | "" |
NEGOTIATOR_EMAIL_LOGO | URL for the Negotiator logo image. | "" |
NEGOTIATOR_AUTHORIZATION_CLAIM | Claim used for authorization. | "eduperson_entitlement" |
NEGOTIATOR_AUTHORIZATION_ADMINCLAIMVALUE | Claim value for admin users. | "" |
NEGOTIATOR_AUTHORIZATION_RESEARCHERCLAIMVALUE | Claim value for researcher users. | "" |
NEGOTIATOR_AUTHORIZATION_BIOBANKERCLAIMVALUE | Claim value for biobanker users. | "" |
NEGOTIATOR_NOTIFICATION_REMINDERCRONEXPRESSION | Cron expression for reminder notifications. | "0 0 6 * * *" |
NEGOTIATOR_EMAIL_FREQUENCYCRONEXPRESSION | Cron expression for email frequency. | "0 0 * * * *" |
Life science Login Integration
To setup LS Login as the OIDC provider you need to register a client that uses the authorization_code flow with PKCE. If you also want to take advantage of Token introspection, you will need to setup a second client for the backend that uses the client_credentials flow with similar settings as the UI client except the flow. To correctly parse User roles from the userinfo response you will need to setup respective groups in LS-Login IAM system. Please refer to their documentation or support on how to do that. Below you can find examples configuration used by BBMRI-ERIC for the UI client:
Redirect URLs:
Resource Indicators: